7 décembre 2010 2 07 /12 /décembre /2010 02:38



Alex Jones explains why it is the bankers or us will be free at the end of this crisis. The total cost of the derivatives is over $1.5 Quadrillion, a sum that will completely consume the world in perpetual debt, a sum that can never be repaid. It is an economic shearing, a shearing of the sheep. The economic crisis has always really been a complete transfer of power to the banking class.

Austerity has now set into the United States, and what is happening today in Ireland, Greece, Spain and Europe at-large looms over America's future. U.S. taxpayers will likely be the largest funders of the total billions and trillions being used to bailout out European nations while simultaneously ensnaring them in IMF conditionalities. Worst of all, these measures are not a true solution; they only make matters worse. But that's the point.

The austerity hammer wielded by central banks and now crushing Europe into subservience will soon fall on the U.S. Fresh bailouts and buyouts by foreign banks are being forced on Ireland and other European nations, while officials in the United States are parlaying news to Americans that wages, pensions, insurance for veteran & military personnel, children's health care and more are being cut, frozen, or taken away. The entitlement system in America is no doubt rooted in corruption and has blossomed under ever-growing big government. Yet it is the bankers who must be stopped first. 

We cannot reform dependency upon government among the people without first challenging the Federal Reserve and private central banks or shutting the door on the predatory IMF-vampire soliciting invitation to strike directly at the heart of the dweller. The IMF and World Bank have essentially completed their phase I mission of absorbing and dominating 3rd World nations; the scheduled phase II targets are unfolding now in the 1st World Nations-- the United States, Canada, UK, Europe and more. It's the Bankers or Us Kalifornya1 over and out... 



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