Oil, Israel, and America: The Root Cause of the Crisis By Scott Ritter 10/09/07 " Common Dreams " There is no shortage of examples of historical points of friction between the Islamic Republic of Iran and the United States to draw upon in order to illustrate...
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Commondreams.org Published on October 9, 2007 by The Boston Globe by Farah Stockman WASHINGTON - The firestorm over the Sept. 16 shooting of more than a dozen unarmed Iraqis by members of Blackwater USA, a private security firm, has sparked renewed calls...
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Le 9 octobre 2007 L'espres « Tout est prêt, en vue de la guerre. L’offensive ne frappera pas seulement les installations nucléaires, mais elle anéantira toute la puissance iranienne. En concentrant les forces offensives les plus modernes sous la forme...
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Alternet See the Slideshow recommanded By Patti Smith http://www.alternet.org/story/63908/ Carte : Freerepublic.com The Lebanon War of 2006 between Israel and Hezbollah lasted 34 days, and according to veteran war correspondent Scott Anderson, author...
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The Media Ignore Credible Poll Revealing 1.2 Million Violent Deaths In Iraq Global Research, October 8, 2007 Media Lens We Can’t Talk About Oil The media are not, as is commonly supposed, windows on the world; they are more like paintings or sketches...
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Shifting Targets - The Administration’s plan for Iran By Seymour M. Hersh In a series of public statements in recent months, President Bush and members of his Administration have redefined the war in Iraq, to an increasing degree, as a strategic battle...
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Up in arms by Maurice Lemoine; Le Monde diplomatique; September 05, 2007 United States armaments are pouring into the Middle East. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice announced on 2 August that deliveries over the next 10 years will reach $62bn. They...
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http://www.legrandsoir.info/article.php3?id_article=5546 9 octobre 2007 Venezuela : « donner le pouvoir au peuple », mais avec Hugo Chavez L e Courrier, samedi 6 octobre 2007. Le parlementaire vénézuélien Iván Lugo Rodríguez a parcouru la Suisse pour...
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http://www.monde-diplomatique.fr/2007/08/CHOMSKY/14992 août 2007 - Pages 1, 8 et 9 Rachats de grands journaux – le « Wall Street Journal » aux Etats-Unis, « Les Echos » en France – par des hommes fortunés habitués à plier la vérité au gré de leurs intérêts...
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October 9, 2007 Exporting Democracy with Missiles When Governments Thrive on a State of War By BRIAN ENO Speech at the "Illegal" Troops Out demo, Trafalgar Square, London on Monday 8 October 2007. S imon Jenkins from the Guardian wrote "Amid the past...
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