5 octobre 2012 5 05 /10 /octobre /2012 07:56
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20 septembre 2012 4 20 /09 /septembre /2012 15:55

19 septembre 2012 Mise à jour du 20 septembre 2012

Trente ans après le massacre...




Evidemment, la mémoire subsiste. L’homme qui a perdu sa famille dans un premier massacre et qui voit des jeunes gens de Chatila alignés après les dernières tueries et conduits à la mort. Mais – à l’instar des ordures empilées dans la décharge au milieu des taudis de béton – la puanteur de l’injustice imprègne toujours les camps où 1.700 Palestiniens furent massacrés – il y a exactement 30 ans. Personne n’a été traduit en justice et condamné pour ce massacre qu’un écrivain israélien a même comparé à l’époque au massacre des Yougoslaves par des sympathisants nazis au cours de la Seconde Guerre mondiale. Sabra et Chatila sont un mémorial pour les criminels qui ont fui leur responsabilité, qui s’en sont tirés sans être poursuivis.




Khaled Abou Nour était adolescent, un milicien en herbe qui avait quitté le camp pour les montagnes avant que les Phalangistes, alliés d’Israël, n’entrent dans Sabra et Chatila. Le fait qu’il ne fût pas là pour combattre les violeurs et les meurtriers lui a-t-il donné mauvaise conscience ?

« Ce que nous ressentons tous, aujourd’hui, est la dépression », a-t-il dit. « Nous avons réclamé justice, des procès internationaux, mais il ne s’est rien passé. Pas une seule personne n’a été tenue pour responsable. Personne n’a été traduit en justice. Ensuite nous avons donc subi la guerre des camps de 1986 (lesquels se trouvaient entre les mains des Libanais chiites) et les Israéliens ont ainsi pu massacrer autant de Palestiniens dans la guerre de Gaza de 2008-2009. S’il y avait eu des procès pour ce qui s’est produit ici, il y a 30 ans, les tueries de Gaza n’aurait pas eu lieu ».



Bien sûr qu’il a raison ! Tandis que les présidents et les Premiers ministres se sont alignés à Manhattan pour pleurer les morts des crimes internationaux de 2001 contre l’humanité au World Trade Centre, pas un seul dirigeant occidental n’a osé se rendre sur les charniers infâmes, froids et humides de Sabra et de Chatila, ombragés par quelques arbres chétifs et des photos délavées des morts. Il faut dire aussi qu’en 30 ans, pas un seul dirigeant arabe ne s’est donné la peine de visiter la dernière demeure d’au moins 600 de ces 1700 victimes. Les potentats arabes ont le coeur qui saigne pour les Palestiniens mais un vol pour Beyrouth pourrait être un peu trop ces derniers temps – et lequel d’entre eux voudrait offenser les Israéliens et les Américains ?



Il est ironique – et néanmoins important – que le seul pays qui ait mené une enquête officielle sérieuse, bien que viciée, sur ce massacre, soit Israël. L’armée israélienne a envoyé les tueurs dans les camps et a ensuite regardé – et n’a rien fait – tandis que l’atrocité se déroulait. Un certain lieutenant israélien, Avi Grabowski, en a donné les preuves les plus éloquentes. La Commission Kahan a tenu le ministre de la Défense d’alors, Ariel Sharon, pour personnellement responsable, puisque celui-ci a envoyé les impitoyables Phalangistes anti-palestiniens dans les camps pour « déloger les terroristes » – « terroristes » qui se révélèrent être aussi inexistants que les armes de destruction massive de l’Irak, 21 ans plus tard.

Sharon a perdu son job mais est devenu plus tard Premier ministre, jusqu’à ce qu’il soit frappé par une attaque cérébrale dont il a survécu, mais qui lui a ôté même le pouvoir de parler. Elie Hobeika, le dirigeant de la milice chrétienne libanaise qui a conduit ses meurtriers dans le camp – après que Sharon eut dit à la Phalange que des Palestiniens venaient d’assassiner leur dirigeant, Bachir Gemayel – fut assassiné des années plus tard à Beyrouth Est. Ses ennemis ont prétendu que les Syriens l’avaient tué, ses amis ont accusé les Israéliens ; Hobeika, qui était « passé » dans le camp syrien, venait d’annoncer qu’il « dirait tout » sur les atrocités de Sabra et de Chatila devant une cour belge qui souhaitait traduire Sharon en justice.


Bien sûr, ceux d’entre nous qui ont pénétré dans ces camps au troisième et dernier jour du massacre – le 18 septembre 1982 – ont leurs propres souvenirs. Je me souviens de ce vieil homme en pyjama allongé sur le dos dans la rue principale avec son innocente canne à côté de lui, de ces deux femmes et d’un bébé abattus près d’un cheval mort, de la maison dans laquelle je me suis réfugié pour me cacher des tueurs avec mon collègue Loren Jenkins du Washington Post - pour découvrir une jeune femme morte allongée dans la cour à côte de nous. Certaines de ces femmes avaient été violées avant d’être abattues. Des armées de mouches, la puanteur de la décomposition. Des choses que l’on n’oublie pas.



Abou Maher a 65 ans – à l’instar de Khaled Abou Nour, sa famille s’est enfuie de leurs maisons à Safad, dans l’Israël d’aujourd’hui – et est resté dans le camp durant tout le massacre, ne croyant pas dans un premier temps les femmes et les enfants qui l’exhortaient à s’enfuir de chez lui. « Une voisine a commencé à crier et j’ai regardé par la fenêtre ; j’ai vu qu’elle avait été abattue et que sa fille essayait de s’échapper, et les tueurs l’ont poursuivie en criant “Tuez-la, tuez-la, ne la laissez pas filer !” Elle a crié vers moi mais je n’ai rien pu faire. Mais elle est parvenue à s’enfuir. »


Des voyages répétés pour retourner au camp, année après année, ont construit un récit avec des détails étonnants. Les enquêtes menées par Karsten Tveit de la radio norvégienne et moi-même ont prouvé que de nombreux hommes, qu’Abou Maher a vus, sont sortis du camp après le massacre initial, puis furent remis par les Israéliens aux tueurs phalangistes – qui les ont gardés prisonniers pendant des jours à l’est de Beyrouth et ensuite, lorsqu’ils n’ont pas pu les échanger contre des otages chrétiens, les ont exécutés dans un charnier.



Et les arguments pour détourner l’attention ont été cruellement déployés. Pourquoi se souvenir de quelques centaines de Palestiniens massacrés lorsque 25.000 ont été tués en Syrie en 19 mois ?


Ces dernières années, des supporteurs d’Israël et des détracteurs du monde musulman m’ont écrit pour m’injurier parce que je citais régulièrement les massacres de Sabra et de Chatila, comme si le compte-rendu de mon propre témoignage oculaire de cette atrocité avait – comme un criminel de guerre – un statut de restriction. Compte tenu de mes reportages (comparés à mes comptes-rendus de l’oppression turque), un lecteur m’a écrit : « Je conclus donc que dans ce cas (de Sabra et Chatila), vous avez un parti pris anti-israélien. Cela n’est basé que sur le nombre disproportionné de références que vous faites sur cette atrocité… »  


Mais peut-on en faire trop ? La doctoresse Bayan al-Hout, veuve de l’ancien ambassadeur de l’OLP à Beyrouth, a rédigé le compte-rendu détaillé qui fait le plus autorité sur les crimes de guerre de Sabra et Chatila – c’est ce qu’ils sont – et conclut que dans les années qui ont suivi, les gens étaient effrayés par le souvenir de cet événement.


« Ensuite, des groupes internationaux ont commencé à parler et à enquêter. Nous devons nous souvenir que nous sommes tous responsables de ce qui est arrivé. Et les victimes sont toujours marquées par ces évènements – même celles qui ne sont pas encore nées seront marquées – et elles ont besoin d’amour ». Dans la conclusion de son livre, Mme al-Hout pose quelques questions difficiles – et vraiment dangereuses : « Les auteurs de ce crime étaient-ils les seuls responsables ? Sont-ils les seuls criminels ? Ceux-là même qui ont donné ces ordres sont-ils les seuls responsables ? Qui est responsable en vérité ? »


En d’autres termes, le Liban ne porte-t-il pas la responsabilité avec les Phalangistes libanais, Israël avec l’armée israélienne, l’Occident avec son allié israélien, les Arabes avec leur allié américain ? Madame al-Hout termine son enquête par une citation du Rabbin Abraham Heschel qui tempêtait contre la guerre du Vietnam. « Dans une société libre », disait le Rabbin, « certains sont coupables, mais tous sont responsables ».

Robert Fisk


Article original : The forgotten massacre

Traduction : JFG pour Questions Critiques





Sabra et Chatila : 30 ans après, les rescapés réclament justice



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31 août 2012 5 31 /08 /août /2012 21:24



(Screenshot from Syrian State TV station video)
(Screenshot from Syrian State TV station video)­

The mass grave was uncovered in the Yelda district of Damascus, which had been under rebel control for the past few days. The 20 corpses the army dug up were burnt and defaced, said China’s Xinhua news agency.

Armed men harassed and killed the civilians, and then buried the bodies, locals told RT Arabic’s correspondents. Some described the stench of dead corpses blanketing entire areas of the city. The victims reportedly include both civilians and military personnel. Others claimed that the number killed is much higher than the 20 reported.

RT Arabic filmed footage of the gravesite, but it was confiscated by police as they were leaving.

Evidence of acts of mass-murder has been surfacing in the past month. An amateur video from Syria emerged online showing the apparent mass execution of Assad supporters in Aleppo by Free Syria Army rebels on July 31. The footage showed several bloodied men in their underwear being forced to kneel by a wall amidst an excited crowd, before they were shot dead.

This latest violence comes days after Kofi Annan announced that he will resign as the UN-Arab League Special Envoy to Syria at the end of August.


Screenshot from Syrian State TV station video
Screenshot from Syrian State TV station video

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29 août 2012 3 29 /08 /août /2012 12:34
Une méthode méconnue très largement utilisée par les américains en Iraq...
24 août 2012
Cette vidéo, réalisée par une équipe du New York Times, nous apprend que des groupes appartenant à la prétendue Armée Syrienne« Libre » se servent de prisonniers pour leur faire commettre des attentats suicides à leur insu.
Elle a disparu du site de la BBC.
(Si la bonne vidéo ne s'affiche pas, la voir ici:
Syrian Insurgents Force Prisoner to Become a Suicide Bomber
Le commentaire dit que les milices de l’ASL [Brigade "Les Lions du Tawhid"] - que l’on voit installées dans une villa appartenant à un officier de police, près d’Alep - ordonnent au prisonnier nommé Abou Hilal de se rendre dans une camionnette jusqu’au check-point tenu par l’armée régulière ; ils lui font croire que là il sera libéré dans le cadre d’un échange de prisonniers.
Abou Hilal ne sait pas que la camionnette qu’il va devoir conduire est chargée de 300 kilos d’explosifs, reliée à un détonateur télécommandé, et que, le moment venu, elle va exploser.
C. J. CHIVERS a filmé le prisonnier et rapporté cette sinistre histoire dans le New York Times.
Dans cet article C. J. CHIVERS raconte que quand les milices de l’ASL sont arrivées à proximité du check-point leur commandant, Abdul Hakim Yasin, a crié à Abou Hilal : « Vas-y, roule dans cette direction, ton père t’attend là bas ». Abou Hilal a roulé et s’est arrêté au check-point. A ce moment précis Abdul Hakim Yasin a appuyé une fois, deux fois, sur le bouton du détonateur télécommandé mais la déflagration n’a pas eu lieu.
Par chance pour Abou Hilal, kamikaze malgré lui, la camionnette n’a pas explosé et les milices de l’ASL qui attendaient l’explosion avant de partir à l’attaque du check-point et escomptaient tomber par surprise sur les soldats de l’armée régulière, n’ont pas pu exécuter leur funeste action.
Silvia Cattori
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29 août 2012 3 29 /08 /août /2012 03:15


Fifty-one years and counting! On August 10, 1961, America began spraying Agent Orange in Vietnam, Cambodia and Laos. Operation Ranch Hand waged herbicidal warfare for 10 years.

Around 20,000 sorties were flown. Other spraying was done from boats, trucks, or soldiers mounted with backpacks. Over five million acres were contaminated. About 20% of South Vietnam was sprayed at least once.

Millions of gallons of dioxin-containing defoliant were used across vast areas. Concentrations were 50 times greater than for other defoliation purposes. Horrific consequences followed.

Dioxin is one of the most deadly known substances. It’s both natural and man-made. It’s a potent carcinogenic human immune system suppressant. Minute amounts cause serious health problems and death.

Agent Orange kills! It accumulates in adipose tissue and the liver. It alters living cell genetic structures. Exposure results in congenital disorders and birth defects. It causes cancer, type two diabetes, and numerous other diseases.

In 2009, the US Institute of Medicine reported evidence linking Agent Orange to soft-tissue sarcoma, non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma, chronic lymphocytic leukemia (including hairy-cell leukemia), Hodgkin’s disease, and chloracne.

It also associated it with prostate cancer, multiple myeloma, amyloidosis (abnormal protein deposits), Parkinson’s disease, porphyria cutanea tarda (a blood and skin disorder), ischemic heart disease, hypertension, type 2 diabetes, peripheral neuropathy, cancer of the larynx, lung, bronchea and trachea, as well as spina bifida in offspring of exposed parents.

Vietnam’s Red Cross also links it to liver cancer; lipid metabolism disorder; reproductive abnormalities; development disabilities; paralysis; and congenital deformities like cleft lip, cleft palate, club foot, hydrocephalus, neural tube defects, fused digits, and muscle malformations.

Dioxin remains toxic for decades. It’s not water soluble or easily degradable. It contaminates soil, foliage, air and water. It can be inhaled, absorbed through skin, or gain bodily entry through eyes, ears, or other cavity passages. It enters the food chain. Crops, plants, animals, and sea life are poisoned.

Its effects killed millions of Southeast Asians. Many others were disabled and/or suffer from chronic illnesses. Future generations are affected like earlier ones.

Around three million US servicemen and women were harmed. So were many American civilians. Many died. Living victims suffer from diseases, birth defects, and other ill effects.

Agent Orange use was always controversial. In 1964, the Federation of American Scientists objected. In 1966, the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) issued a resolution. It called for investigating its effects.

In 1967, 17 Nobel laureates and 5,000 scientists petitioned to end its use. In 1969, evidence showed birth defects and still births in mice. In 1970, ecological field tests were conducted. Other studies confirmed dioxin’s harm. Ecocide and genocide best describe it. Human studies provided damning evidence.

In the early 1970s, Vietnam veterans reported skin rashes, cancer, psychological symptoms, birth defects, and other health problems. A 1979 class-action lawsuit against herbicide producers was settled out of court in 1984.

An Agent Orange Settlement Fund was established. Through 1996, affected veterans got about $200 million in compensation. It was too little, too late. It insulted survivors.

In July 2011, 50 years after spraying began, HR 2634: Victims of Agent Orange Relief Act of 2011 was introduced. It was referred to committee. No further action was taken. Congress prioritizes war making. Effects on US service men and women from past and current ones don’t matter.

Law Professor Marjorie Cohn asked what’s “the difference between super powers like the United States violating the laws of war with impunity and the reports of killing of Syrian civilians by both sides in the current war?”

“Does the United States have any credibility to demand governments and non-state actors end the killings of civilians, when through wars and drones and its refusal to acknowledge responsibility for the use of Agent Orange, the United States has and is engaging in the very conduct it publicly deplores?”

It’s done that and much more. It’s responsible for millions of Yugoslav, Afghan, Iraqi, Libyan, and Syrian deaths, as well as many others in numerous other counties. Conventional and illegal weapons are responsible.

Depleted uranium (DU) contamination began in the 1970s. US forces used DU freely since America’s Gulf war. Dirty bombs, shells, missiles, and other munitions are used.

DU and other toxic weapons are illegal under international law. The 1925 Geneva Protocol and subsequent Geneva Weapons Conventions prohibit use of chemical and biological agents in any form.

The 1925 Geneva Convention Gas Protocol prohibits poison gas. The 1907 Hague Convention bans use of any “poison or poisoned weapons.”

Dioxin kills. DU is radioactive and chemically toxic. The US code, Title 50, Chapter 40, Section 2302 prohibits use of “weapons of mass destruction,” saying:

“The term ‘weapon of mass destruction’ means any weapon or device that is intended, or has the capability, to cause death or serious bodily injury to a significant number of people through the release, dissemination, or impact of (A) toxic or poisonous chemicals or their precursors, (B) a disease organism, or (C) radiation or radioactivity.”

America’s use is lawless. Doing so constitutes war crimes. Millions of combatants and civilians have been irreparably harmed or killed. In current US direct and proxy wars, others are affected daily.

August 10 is International Agent Orange Day. Vietnam Agent Orange Relief & Responsibility Campaign (VAORRC) members urge observing it annually in silence at noon. Doing so for 51 seconds this year was commemorated.

Established in February 2005, VOARRC campaigns for victims denied justice. Wars remain hell when they’re over. They don’t end when bombs stop falling and combat ceases. Devastation remains long-lasting. Millions of Southeast Asians and US veterans suffer from physical injuries, illnesses, and/or trauma. Millions of others died.

Washington wants its toxic legacy buried and forgotten. Survivors can’t let it happen. No one should tolerate America’s imperial ravaging. New victims are affected daily.

American service men and women suffer like combatants and civilians they target. On average, 18 US soldiers commit suicide daily. Countless others suffer physical and psychological injuries. PTSD, depression, neurotic disorders and psychoses are commonplace.

Thousands of war veterans come home permanently disabled. Many more experience chronic illnesses. PTSD sufferers experience anxiety, nervousness in crowds, depression, flashbacks, nightmares, trouble concentrating, difficulty sleeping, feelings of detachment, irritability, and unusual behavior.

Normal kids come home killers. Wives, children, and others are abused. Alcoholism, drug abuse, and violence are common. Many needing help don’t get it.

America doesn’t give a damn about men and women sent to war when they’re no longer needed. In 2011, the 9th US Circuit Court of Appeals said it usually takes around four years for the Department of Veterans Affairs to begin providing proper mental healthcare. Funding is inadequate.

It takes weeks or longer for suicidal vets to be examined. For many it’s too late. Countless others suffer from America’s toxic legacy. They’re nameless and faceless out of sight and mind at home.

Nothing done compensates for tragedy. Ending wars alone can prevent them. What greater priority than that!

A Final Comment

In December 2009, a five-part Chicago Tribune series focused on Agent Orange’s deadly legacy. Since its health threats were acknowledged, America “established a record of neglect,” it said.

Veterans and affected family members seeking help and compensation “face delays and a maddening bureaucracy.” Southeast Asians were abandoned and forgotten.

Forty years later, two offspring of an Vietnam vet may or may not reflect others. Between them, they’ve had 41 surgeries, including five brain operations, two for spinal cord injuries, and one hysterectomy. Their father died in 2008 from leukemia. He waited years for proper help.

Both daughters have Chiari malformations. It’s a structural brain defect. It’s associated with spin bifida. One daughter waited three and half years for help. It was inadequate, and by them her bladder shut down.

Her sister sought help and was denied. “They’re waiting for you to die,” she said. Imagine the deplorable suffering of millions of Southeast Asians.

Compassion was never America’s long suit. Killing, destruction, conquest, and plunder are prioritized. Imagine what’s planned ahead. Human needs be damned. Wealth, power and dominance alone matter.


Stephen Lendman lives in Chicago and can be reached at lendmanstephen@sbcglobal.net.

His new book is titled “How Wall Street Fleeces America: Privatized Banking, Government Collusion and Class War”



Visit his blog site at sjlendman.blogspot.com and listen to cutting-edge discussions with distinguished guests on the Progressive Radio News Hour on the Progressive Radio Network Thursdays at 10AM US Central time and Saturdays and Sundays at noon. All programs are archived for easy listening.




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12 août 2012 7 12 /08 /août /2012 09:16



Al Qaeda rebels show their true colours and surprisingly get reported on by the BBC. 
Footage posted on a social media website shows Syrian rebels killing captured men, apparently loyal to President Assad's regime. The killings of the men - said to be from the Berri clan - have been condemned by human rights activists.

The rest of the footage - too distressing to be shown here - shows a prolonged burst of gunfire and, after the smoke clears, a pile of bodies by a wall.

Amateur video shows Syria rebels killing 'Assad loyalists' Rebels 'execute' regime loyalists in Aleppo.   



  Aug 1, 2012 by  




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7 août 2012 2 07 /08 /août /2012 16:42


6 août 2012


Syrian rebels arrest a man who is claimed to be traitor at an old military base near Aleppo


 LanddestroyerAUGUST 4, 2012

 "Responsibility to Protect" crumbles as Western-armed terror front slaughters civilians while foreign sponsors attempt to tie hands of Syrian security forces  

by Tony Cartalucci

August 4, 2012 - For the people of Aleppo, their only hope is Syria's security forces restoring order. In the pockets of Syria's largest city the so-called "Free Syrian Army" (FSA) has dug into, a campaign of systematic detention, torture, and mass murder has been carried out against "enemies of the revolution." Demonized as either "Shabiha" or "government supporters," men have been rounded up, lined up against walls, and gunned down en mass. Others await barbaric "drumhead trials" where FSA warlords deal out arbitrary justice under the guise of "Sharia law."

Worst of all, all of this is being reported by the Western media, but carefully downplayed, excused, spun, and otherwise sneaked through news cycles and headlines.

Reuters presented just such a report titled, "Rebels fill Aleppo power vacuum, some disapprove." Judging from the title, one might assume residents in the "liberated" alleys of select Aleppo neighborhoods are simply dissatisfied with late garbage collection and perhaps broken street lights. The title is far from the blood curdling hysteria accompanying Western accounts (and fabrications) of Syrian security operations over the last year and a half.

However, what Reuters actually reports is indeed growing basement-dungeons full of "suspected Shabiha," clear evidence of torture and abuse, as well as a growing number of summary executions and mass murder carried out before cameras and Western media in the streets.

The London Guardian likewise spins and downplays what are overt, ghoulish atrocities committed right on camera for the entire world to see. Russia Today covered one such massacre providing a graphic video depicting several bloodied men lined up against a wall and machine gunned to death, their bodies left in a tattered pile by FSA terrorists. RT leaves no doubt in the reader's mind that what they just witnessed was a war crime.

The Guardian however, begins downplaying the brutal massacre with the headline, "Syria crisis: rebels 'execute shabiha' in Aleppo." Already Guardian plays a role in shaping the potential reader's perception, convicting the massacred victims as "Shabiha." Scrolling down through a list of unverified accusations leveled against the Syrian government, one finds not an objective journalistic report of the massacre, but the justification provided by the FSA themselves, in a quote by Guardian's FSA "contact" that includes the somber warning:
"Regarding the video of the shabiha killed by the FSA, as far as I know these shabiha are from the "Berri" clan in Aleppo. They have a long history of being pro-regime shabiha and they have been involved in a lot of killing in Aleppo.

The regime used to provide them with light weapons and knives and gather them in schools to go and launch their attacks against civilians. Just before they left one of the schools they were caught by the FSA and killed.
In this war in which we left alone to fight such a vicious regime, everything is possible and legitimate and as long as the international community keeps looking at Syria in such carelessness, you will see more of that and even worse."
The Guardian not only excuses what was a massacre of civilians, but sows the ground for excusing war crimes that eclipse even this episode of barbarism. Unfortunately, the Guardian is not alone - this is a pattern that repeats itself throughout the Western media and signifies that as the military campaign winds down, the terror campaign is just beginning. US special interests' promise to "bleed" Syria is manifesting itself before our eyes.

The FSA's claims of everyone they round up, torture, and execute being "Shabiha" carry with them the familiar and horrifying ring of the term "African mercenaries" used to label black Libyans who were targeted by NATO-armed racist sectarian extremists also posing as "revolutionaries." In the end, entire cities were emptied out of blacks (and here) who had for generations called Libya home. Refugee camps were then systematically targeted until Libya's blacks were either dead, imprisoned or exiled beyond their homeland's borders as part of a brutal genocidal campaign covered up by the Western media and downplayed by the West's self-appointed global arbiters of human rights, namely Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch.

While the West still to this day claims Libya's blacks were "pro-Qaddafi," Libya's blacks had no choice but to fight NATO's terrorists of Benghazi, as their complexions and creeds, not political affiliations, had marked them as intolerable and undesirable by NATO's "liberators."

Likewise, a similar campaign of sectarian driven genocide, predicted for years should the US, Israel, Saudi Arabia and others unleash Al Qaeda aligned death squads across the Levant to destabilize their geopolitical enemies, is unfolding, due in part to the complicity of the Western media.

Image: Christians in Syria have been particularly hit hard by what is being described as "ethnic cleansing," not by Syrian security forces, but by NATO-backed death squads under the banner of the "Free Syrian Army." The LA Times has been quietly reporting on the tragedy of Syria's minorities at the hands of the Syrian rebels for months - and indicates that wider genocide will take place, just as it is now in Libya, should Syria's government collapse under foreign pressure.

In 2007, in Hersh's "The Redirection," the following foreshadowing to the NATO and FSA's unfolding genocidal rampage was given:
"Robert Baer, a former longtime C.I.A. agent in Lebanon, has been a severe critic of Hezbollah and has warned of its links to Iranian-sponsored terrorism. But now, he told me, “we’ve got Sunni Arabs preparing for cataclysmic conflict, and we will need somebody to protect the Christians in Lebanon. It used to be the French and the United States who would do it, and now it’s going to be Nasrallah and the Shiites" -The Redirection, Seymour Hersh (2007)
Now, demonstrably, we see exactly this feared onslaught manifesting itself in Syria, in particular against Christians as indicated in LA Times' "Church fears 'ethnic cleansing' of Christians in Homs, Syria," and more recently in USA Today's distorted, but still telling, "Christians in Syria live in uneasy alliance with Assad, Alawites." Even the massacre in Houla, seems to echo of this 2007 warning, bearing all the hallmarks of sectarian extremists like Al Qaeda.

With the Western press freely admitting that their "freedom fighting" FSA is lining up "suspected government supporters" and machine gunning them en mass, it seems the massacre the West feared would unfold in Aleppo has come to pass - only it wasn't perpetrated by the Syrian government or its security forces, but rather by NATO and the Gulf State's very own armed and coddled FSA terrorists.

As the West's machinations implode upon themselves and shareholders begin hedging their bets and distancing themselves from possible culpability for egregious crimes against humanity, we must hope that global opposition reaches a critical mass, forcing the West to stand down and allowing the Syrian government to restore order across their nation-state.
Until then, we as individuals must identify, boycott, and replace the corporate-financier interestsdriving this insidious conspiracy against humanity. While swatting mosquitoes seems to be the most immediate remedy at hand, draining the swamp from within which they flourish is the only way to solve this problem permanently.
Image: The Western media is covering - or more accurately, "spinning" - an unfolding sectarian genocide in Syria's largest city Aleppo. In the alleys of seized streets, FSA terrorists are detaining, torturing, and killing anyone suspected of supporting the government. Such suspicions coincidentally run along sectarian divisions. By using the label "Shabiha" for all of FSA's victims, the Western press has given a carte blanche to genocidal sectarian extremists and by doing so, has become complicit in war crimes themselves.


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3 août 2012 5 03 /08 /août /2012 14:01





Sur cette vidéo, on voit clairement des membres de "L'Armée syrienne libre" (ASL") en train de tirer sur un enfant devant sa maison. Tous les crimes perpétrés par ces terroristes, parmi lesquels de nombreux membres d'Al Qaïda, sont filmés par eux-mêmes et ensuite transmis aux télévisions arabes et occidentales comme "preuves" des exactions du régime de Bachar-El-Assad envers sa population.


'Free Syrian Army' filmed shooting directly in direction of visible children in street outside a house, on the pretext of ambushing a Syrian army convoy. The children had no fear of the Syrian Army as the convoy passed them by. However, the terrorists of the 'Free Syrian Army' cannot be trusted with the lives of those they say they care about, they are very careless with the lives of the children who run as the terrorists shoot in their direction. They are very happy to have them shot dead or blown up, and then they come and film their dead bodies for recruitment videos.

This video shows how the 'Free Syrian Army', a loose grouping of armed terror groups including several Al-Qaeda groups, is ready to shoot at children. They would have seen the children just as clearly as they could see the army convoy beside the kids. They have no excuse for opening fire on the army convoy, unless they are blind. And they are shooting at the place where the children are even as there is no army vehicle between them and the children. It looks like they are deliberately or very recklessly shooting at the children. Every time a kid dies, it is a propaganda scoup for the terrorists.


The misguided principle of killing innocents for a 'greater cause' or 'greater good' is based on the idea that a few hundred dead innocents which prompts an intervention is preferable to many thousands more dead innocents if a civil war begins and cannot be won by the armed groups.

This appears much like the story of journalist Alex Thomson, who recently said he was set up by the 'Free Syrian Army' to be killed for a propaganda story. Furthermore, he was a journalist exclusively covering their side of the story! http://www.liveleak.com/view?i=c1d_1339355857 Syria - Alex Thomson, 'Syrian rebels tried to get me killed' 09-06-2012 

The Syrian government has also intercepted a telephone call between terrorists where the appear to be setting up massacres of civilians for propaganda purposes. Such accounts are credible and fit in with the wider picture of the conflict. http://www.liveleak.com/view?i=93c_1339381300 Terrorists plan massacre to be blamed on the Government

The 'Free Syrian Army' has been caught red handed previously planting bombs and then claiming that the government has been shelling the UN. This shows the mentality of these people and how far they are prepared to go to kill innocent people for a good story http://www.liveleak.com/view?i=9c6_1337206301 

Terrorists Plant Explosive Device On UN Monitors Vehicle And Film It For Propanganda As A Government Missile Attack- May 15th 2012


Photo: RT 8 juillet 2012

Dossier Syrie 

Syria war nationalturk-0238 Dossier Libye



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2 août 2012 4 02 /08 /août /2012 14:05
2 août 2012


Ames sensibles s’abstenir.



Autres oldats exécutés sommairement par l'"ASL"



Suite des crimes contre l'Humanité en Syrie. Les soi-disant "rebelles" exécutent sommairement des soldats de l'armée syrienne.

Documenting Crimes against Humanity in Syria. Syrian insurgents summarily execute a captured soldier in the Deir-ez Zour region. 



L'assassinat barbare d'un prisonnier par l'ASL... La version de l'OTAN de la future syrie...

Barabaric killing of a prisoner by the factions of the 'Free Syrian Army', his last twitches are videoed by the terrorists and posted online on July 26th 2012. This is their version of a better Syria.

Graphic evidence showing signs of torture and execution of bound police by the loose grouping known as "Free Syrian Army", which includes several Al-Qaeda groups and isupported by foreign powers including Israel.

A man with his hands tied behind his back is pushed before stumbling into the view of the camera at which point he is shot by the insurgents. The Rebels posted the video with the explanataion that the man was a 'Shabiha' killed by a rebel sniper. The slow motion version of the clip at the end shows just what a sadistic lie that is. The unarmed man has clearly been bound with his hands tied behind his back and the individual holding the camera was evidently waiting for him to appear as planned.

This is just one example of dozens of filmed executions carried out by rebel groups in Syria. They range from beheadings to hangings, shootings and machete attacks. The atrocities are consistently ignored by Western media and politicians desperate to justify their support for armed groups who carry out serious crimes against humanity.



‘British-born jihadists fighting Assad in Syria’ – captured photographer



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21 juillet 2012 6 21 /07 /juillet /2012 21:28



Voilà les "rebelles" que soutient l'Occident, allié aux monarchistes obscurantistes du Golfe. Voilà ceux qu'ils voudraient mettre au pouvoir en Syrie, pays laïc comme l'était la Lybie, aujourd'hui en plein chaos. Il ne s'agit pas d'une guerre civile, mais d'une guerre menée par des puissances étrangères, et programmée de très longue date...


Attention images dures


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