12 mai 2008 1 12 /05 /mai /2008 21:15

http://current.com/items/88856223_you_can_t_picture_this housands of UK residents have signed a petition against a law preventing photography and filming in certain public places. Yet this all turned out to be a misunderstanding, and no such law was proposed....
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- dans Nouvel Ordre Mondial-New World Order
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11 mai 2008 7 11 /05 /mai /2008 16:03

Pink Panther-006
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- dans Humour noir-Black Humor
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11 mai 2008 7 11 /05 /mai /2008 07:51

Sommes-nous tous contaminés au pyralène ? envoyé par Ptite_Mule Articles/videos: Energie/Energy Agrocarburants/Agrofuel Ecologie/Ecology OGM/GMO Changement climatique/Climate Change Biodiversité Nanotechnologies Santé/Health
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- dans Environnement-Environment
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9 mai 2008 5 09 /05 /mai /2008 23:04

Film franco-espagnol de Pierre Schoendoerffer (1965), d’après son roman. Musique : Pierre Jansen et Gregorio García Segura. Prix du meilleur scénario au Festival de Cannes. Début mai 1954. La grande offensive du Viêt Minh vient de commencer en Indochine....
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- dans Cinema
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9 mai 2008 5 09 /05 /mai /2008 22:14

Wounded Knee (video, 10')
On the morning of December 29, 1890, the Sioux chief Big Foot and some 350 of his followers camped on the banks of Wounded Knee creek. Surrounding their camp was a force of U.S. troops charged with the responsibility of arresting Big Foot and disarming...
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Published by Internationalnews - dans Peuples indigènes-Natives Rights Struggle
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9 mai 2008 5 09 /05 /mai /2008 08:02

TV = DROGUE ! envoyé par boreale Voici le lien pour le reportage complet http://www.dailymotion.com/boreale/video/xy9zd_addiction-a-la-television
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- dans Medias-Propaganda
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9 mai 2008 5 09 /05 /mai /2008 00:00

Noam Chomsky (Authors@Google, 53')
Authors@Google: Noam Chomsky Added: May 02, 2008 For the past forty years Noam Chomsky's writings on politics and language have established him as a preeminent public intellectual and as one of the most original and wide-ranging political and social critics...
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- dans Documentaires-Must-see Documentaries
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8 mai 2008 4 08 /05 /mai /2008 23:40

Dahr Jamail - Dispatches from an Unembedded Journalist in Occupied Iraq 79 min - Nov 2, 2007 pdxjustice Media Productions - www.pdxjustice.org As a wilderness mountain guide and rescue ranger in Alaska, Dahr Jamail felt growing concern and outrage over...
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8 mai 2008 4 08 /05 /mai /2008 21:53

ALGERIE - 8 mai 1945 - TOUS CONTRE L'OUBLI envoyé par arnesse
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- dans Histoire-History-Archeologie
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8 mai 2008 4 08 /05 /mai /2008 19:58

60 ans d'Israel = 60 ans de colonisation et de massacres
Israeli Massacres in Gaza Ajoutée : 13 mars 2008 Palestine Occupation From: Neo23x0 Gaza Massacre - Murder of a 6 months old Baby Tous les articles sur le Moyen-0rient/All Articles on Middle East: Palestine/Israël/Middle East
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Published by Internationalnews - dans Crimes de Guerre-Torture-War Crimes
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